Thursday, December 15, 2011

New e-book - Harrison's online

The library has subscribed to Harrison's online for a year, which covers the complete contents of "Harrison's principles and practice of medicine" 18th ed.

It allows printing and mobile downloading in a format optimised for handheld devices such as smartphones. Also incorporated are more than 90 videos, 1000 self assessment questions and answers, plus expert presentations.

It is accessible using the library computers, or remotely using a university RAVEN username and password.

Other major e-books to which the library subscribes include:-

Oxford textbook of medicine

Oxford textbook of palliative care

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Library closed over Christmas

The Medical Library will be closed over the Christmas period, from 12.30pm Friday 23rd December.

We reopen in the New Year: 8am on Tuesday 3rd January 2012.

We wish Library Users a very merry Christmas,
with all best wishes for the New Year.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

2011 BMA Book Award

Congratulations to Dr Peter Baxter, Consultant Physician in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for winning a BMA book award: medicine category. He is an editor of "Hunter's diseases of occupations" 10th edition.

This is held in the Library as a reference book at WA 400.62