Thursday, December 15, 2011

New e-book - Harrison's online

The library has subscribed to Harrison's online for a year, which covers the complete contents of "Harrison's principles and practice of medicine" 18th ed.

It allows printing and mobile downloading in a format optimised for handheld devices such as smartphones. Also incorporated are more than 90 videos, 1000 self assessment questions and answers, plus expert presentations.

It is accessible using the library computers, or remotely using a university RAVEN username and password.

Other major e-books to which the library subscribes include:-

Oxford textbook of medicine

Oxford textbook of palliative care

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Library closed over Christmas

The Medical Library will be closed over the Christmas period, from 12.30pm Friday 23rd December.

We reopen in the New Year: 8am on Tuesday 3rd January 2012.

We wish Library Users a very merry Christmas,
with all best wishes for the New Year.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

2011 BMA Book Award

Congratulations to Dr Peter Baxter, Consultant Physician in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for winning a BMA book award: medicine category. He is an editor of "Hunter's diseases of occupations" 10th edition.

This is held in the Library as a reference book at WA 400.62

Monday, November 14, 2011

Deduplication of Journals

Work continues with the deduplication of journal titles which are found in other Cambridge University libraries. One set will continue to be housed in one of the University libraries.

The list of the journals involved is:
TitleStartvolEndvolRetained copy
MIMS magazine1974to1987UL
Monthly Bulletin of the Ministry of Health and the (Emergency) Public Health Laboratory Service195110to196726UL
Nursing Mirror1980151to1985161UL

Please email if you wish to comment on this.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Kings Fund - The point of care: accepting death & illness

The Kings Fund seeks to understand how the health system in England can be improved.
One of it's current projects is The Point of Care Programme which aims to help health care staff in hospitals deliver the quality of care they would want for themselves and their own families.

This section includes staff stories, and 2 have come recently from a 2nd year medical student who considers Accepting death and illness as a doctor and as a patient and Patients: just a tool for medical learning?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Changes to Library closing time

Owing to changes in the Clinical School building closing procedures, Medical Library patrons please note the following:
        Last entry to the Clinical School building and Medical Library:
        9.35pm Monday to Friday
        4.35pm Saturday
Medical Library services will cease:
                9.45pm Monday to Friday
                4.45pm Saturday
Medical Library will close:
                9.50pm Monday to Friday
                4.50pm Saturday
Effective from Monday 3rd October 2011

We apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome to New Clinical Students

Welcome to the new cohort of Clinical Students 2011. 
We hope you'll have a wonderful 3 years, 
and offer you any support we can from the Medical Library.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Prodigy - the new face of Clinical Knowlege Summaries (CKS)

Do you remember Clinical Knowledge Summaries - a great source of high quality summaries of evidence and "practical know how" about common conditions in primary care.

CKS is now rebranded as PRODIGY, and is back, better than ever. Search for a specific topic, or browse the clinical topics. High quality patient information is also available.

PRODIGY is an accredited  provider for NHS Evidence, and its content is also retrievable when you search TRIP.

A leaflet about Prodigy is available too.

Reading Lists

What are students at University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine expected to be reading?
Check out the reading lists now.
Stack O' Books

Friday, August 26, 2011

Library redevelopment - work in week beginning 5th September

Activities in the library this week include:

  • Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th
Re-carpeting of the area between the Reception area and the Books.

This will be noisy and disruptive work, and we apologise for the inevitable inconvenience.

  • Thursday and Friday
No work scheduled. Calm!

Bank Holiday Monday - Library is open

Monday 29th September, 2011 is a Bank Holiday.
The library is open from 9.00am till 6.00pm.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Library redevelopment - work in week beginning 22nd Aug

Activities in the library this week include: 
  • Monday 22nd 
    • Disposal of old metal shelving and furniture into a skip
      This will be noisy work, and we apologise for the inevitable disruption. 
  • Tuesday 
    •  Calm! 
  • Wednesday, Thursday 
    • Disposal of old metal shelving and furniture into a skip.
      This will be noisy work, and we apologise for the inevitable disruption.
  • Friday 
    • No work scheduled - calm!
Click here for a reminder of the "grand plan" 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Changes in the Medical Library – August 2011 onwards

We are always striving to improve the services and environment in the Medical Library.
In 2009 we underwent a significant refurbishment in the library reception area, upper floor and staff offices.

From August till the end of 2011, with financial support from the Clinical School, we shall be extending this modernisation to some other parts of the library.

What changes are planned?
What improvements do we hope this will achieve?

Change 1
*    shelving of all but the current issue of all journals upstairs (level 4)
*    simplification of our journal holdings, making them easier to find   
Achieved: 5th August 2011

Change 2
*    relocating current issue of journals to new shelving units near the book collection
*    better use of space so that more is available for study spaces   
In progress: 16th August 2011
Journals relocated, but yet to be reshelved: temporarily arranged in boxes near the books.
Hope to be complete: late September 2011 (or when new shelves arrive!)

Change 3
*    installation of water fountain
*    better quality water and refreshment for library users    
Achieved: 12th August 2011

Change 4
*    installation new carpeting in from reception area through towards the books
*    better aesthetics and improved noise muffling   
To be completed by mid-September 2011

Change 5
*    installation of group study pods
*    enables small group work and promotes quiet discussion in the library    
To be completed by end of 2011

We are aware that any changes of this nature will cause disruption in the library while they’re being implemented. We’ll keep you posted via notices in the library and the website.

We're sorry about this, but hope you'll bear with us, and find that the changes we're making are worth-while.

Deduplication and Cancellation of Journals

We continue to deduplicate print journals and move towards electronic journal access. 
One copy of the print will continue to be held in one of the University libraries, but not in the Medical Library.
A list of these titles which we propose to remove from the Medical Library can be seen here
Please contact us if you have any views on this proposed action.
Email: or phone 01223 336750

Thursday, July 14, 2011


The Library will be closing
Tuesday 19th to Friday 22nd July, 2011 at 19:45

This is due to staff sickness

Many apologies for the inconvenience.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Local Health Profiles - availabel via PHO

Who is the local population? How deprived are they? How much more healthy are they this year in comparison with last year?

Health Profiles is the Department of Health’s programme to improve availability and accessibility to heath and health-related information in England. They give a snapshot overview of health for each local authority in England. Health Profiles are produced annually by the Public Health Observatories in England working in partnership and are commissioned by the Department of Health.

Data is available for Cambridge and also Cambridgeshire, as well as all the other regions and counties of England.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

SIGN guidelines app